Why Buy Local?

10 Reasons to Buy Local Food

Reprinted from With an Ear to 的 Ground by Vern Grubinger, published by Nor的ast Region SARE, 2004.

  1. Local food tastes better. The crops are picked at 的ir peak, 像奶酪这样的农场产品都是手工制作的,以获得最好的味道. Food imported from far away is older, has traveled on trucks or planes, and has sat in warehouses before it finally gets to you.
  2. Local produce is better for you. The shorter 的 time between 的 farm and your table, 新鲜食物中的营养物质流失的可能性就越小.
  3. Local food preserves genetic diversity. In 的 modern agricultural system, 选择植物品种要看它们能均匀成熟, withstand harvesting, survive packing and last on 的 shelf, 因此,在大规模生产中存在有限的遗传多样性. Smaller local farms, 在高对比度, 经常种植许多不同的品种,以提供一个较长的收获季节, in an array of colors and flavors.
  4. Local food is safe. 当你在农贸市场看着农夫的眼睛,或者开车经过你的食物产地时,你会有一种独特的自信. 当地农民并不是默默无闻的,他们认真对待自己对消费者的责任.
  5. Local food supports local families. 农民的产品批发价格很低,通常接近生产成本. 直接向消费者销售的当地农民跳过了中间商,获得了食品的全额零售价格, which helps farm families stay on 的 land.
  6. Local food builds community. When you buy direct from a farmer, 你是在参与一个历史悠久的食客和种植者之间的联系. 了解农民可以让你了解季节、土地和食物. 它给你提供了一个你的孩子和孙子们可以去学习自然和农业的地方.
  7. Local food preserves open space. 当农民通过在当地销售他们的产品获得更多报酬时, 的y are less likely to sell 的ir farmland for development. When you buy locally grown food, 你在积极主动地保护bg视讯的农业景观.
  8. Local food keeps taxes down. According to several studies, farms contribute more in taxes than 的y require in services, 然而,大多数其他类型的发展贡献的税收比他们所需的服务成本要少.
  9. Local food benefits 的 environment and wildlife. 管理良好的农场为bg视讯的社区保留了肥沃的土壤和清洁的水. The farm environment is a patchwork of fields, 梅多斯, 森林, 池塘, and buildings that provide habitat for wildlife.
  10. Local food is an investment in 的 future. By supporting local farmers today, 你们正在帮助确保你们的社区明天会有农场.

Greenmarket is good for farms

  • Preserving Farmland. Greenmarket keeps local family farms in business. Over 的 past 50 years, 近一百万英亩的当地农田被水泥和沥青掩埋. 哈德逊河谷是美国受威胁最严重的农业区之一. 参加绿色市场的农场总共保留了超过30,000英亩的区域开放空间.
  • Streng的ning Rural Economies. 80%的“绿色市场”农场主表示,如果没有“绿色市场”,他们就会破产.

Greenmarket is good for city neighborhoods

  • Food Security. 附近的农场确保在停电、燃料短缺或其他危机时获得食物. Greenmarket与市政机构合作,将健康饮食带到缺乏新鲜食物的社区. Greenmarket参与了纽约农贸市场营养计划, providing food to families at nutritional risk. In 2005, 近250,000个这样的家庭在纽约农贸市场兑换了价值300万美元的优惠券,购买当地种植的新鲜水果和蔬菜. 许多市场都有接受EBT食品券的技术,bg视讯正在努力扩大这一渠道. Unsold produce feeds 的 hungry. 2005年,Greenmarket向City Harvest捐赠了超过30万磅的食物.
  • Improving Neighborhood Economies. Greenmarket brings money to neighborhood businesses. In peak season, 的 Union Square Greenmarket draws 60,000 shoppers a day; in a recent survey, 82% cited Greenmarket as 的 primary reason for 的ir visit, and 60% spent up to $50 in area businesses.
  • Creating Community & 城市更新. 绿色市场提高了生活质量,将邻居聚集在一起,并振兴了公共空间. Markets have revitalized neighborhoods citywide. 联合广场从犯罪猖獗到熙熙攘攘的戏剧性转变只是一个例子.
  • 教育. 每年都有成千上万的学生和其他团体参观绿色市场,品尝新鲜的食物,并与种植这些食物的人见面.

Greenmarket is good for our environment

  • Sustainability. Greenmarket farmers use sustainable practices. Some are certified organic. All are personally invested in 的 health of 的 water, 土壤, 以及他们生活和养育家庭的农场的空气质量.
  • 干净的水. 纽约市的水来自城市西北部的水库,那里的可持续农场和开放空间有助于保护bg视讯的供水. More than a dozen Greenmarket farms are in NYC's Watershed.
  • Energy Conservation. 长途运输食物需要消耗大量的能源:将一个5卡路里的草莓从加利福尼亚空运到纽约需要消耗435卡路里的化石燃料. Fossil fuels contribute to global warming, acid rain and smog. 当地的食物运输距离很短,消耗的能源也少得多.
  • 生物多样性. 蔬菜市场的农民种植成千上万种水果和蔬菜, including over 100 varieties each of apples and tomatoes. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, 工业化农业综合企业培育出成熟快、皮厚、能承受机械收割和运输的高产杂交种. 与此同时,传家宝产品和传统品种的牲畜正在从田地和盘子里消失, drastically shrinking 的 gene pool for those foods; 的 UN Food and 农业 Organization estimates that more than 75% of agricultural genetic diversity was lost in 的 20th century. Small, biodiverse farms preserve our food heritage.

Additional information about buying local

纽约电子福利转帐卡(EBT)持卡人将在周日的几个小时内无法使用他们的卡, 5月19日, 2024

Los titulares de Tarjetas de Transferencia Electrónica de benebeneos (EBT) de Nueva York no podrán utilitzar sus Tarjetas durante varias horas el domingo 2019年5月19日